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Tigray - New Horizon Chess Tournament

Last update 01.04.2023 15:29:35, Creator/Last Upload: newhorizon

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Starting rank

1Abreha Gebrehiwet,ETH0
2Amilaki Gebremeskel,ETH0
3Capital Ataklti,ETH0
4Elsa Ftwi,ETH0
5Filmom Tewelde,ETH0
6Filmon Haile,ETH0
7Girmay Tshale,ETH0
8Haftamu Omer,ETH0
9Huda Ammar Osman,SUD0
10Kifah Mohamed Khidir,SUD0
11Maab Ammar Osman,SUD0
12Mearg Ataklti,ETH0
13Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed,SUD0
14Muller Fisiha,ETH0
15Murtada Faisal Ahmed,SUD0
16Raheel Zenebe,ETH0
17Salma Atif Adam,SUD0
18Samah Atif Adam,SUD0
19Samar Atif Adam,SUD0
20Semere Siyom,ETH0
21Sogood Atif Adam,SUD0
22Yonas Hagos,ETH0