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2023 Eswatini National Junior Championships U10

Last update 01.04.2023 15:29:13, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

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Starting rank

1Charmichel, Denise0
2Dlamini, Anele0
3Dlamini, Aphiwe0
4Dlamini, Phiwokuhle0
5Dlamini, Sibonelelwe0
6Drinkwater, Brandon0
7Duraes, Mason0
8Elderkin, Benjamin0
9Fakudze, Sivuyile0
10Forbes, Ted0
11Hlathswayo, Temahayise0
12Huber, Josiah0
13Khanyile, Luhlelo0
14Khumalo, Siphosenkhosi0
15Khwaja, Eshaan0
16Malinga, Anele0
17Mayburgh, George0
18Motsa, Useminathi0
19Nagdee, Ammar0
20Ndzinisa, Simulindzile0
21Polpitiya, Deshani0
22Shabangu, Phathokuhle0
23Sihlelelwe, Nkwanyane0
24Thwala, Thandolwenkosi0
25Van Wyle, Aaron0
26Wenzokuhle, Nkwanyane0
27Worku, Yadonai0
28Xaba, Liyana0
29Zhon, Jasper0