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Liga do Desporto Universitário 2012 Masculino

Last update 16.06.2012 18:20:06, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias

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Starting rank list

1IMPerdomo Leandro Daniel396011097462377Faculdade Padrão - GO
2FMTerao Rodrigo Akira777321110472364UFABC - SP
3FMMartins Vinicius Tine1771921128842326UFPE - PE
4FMBueno Alfeu Junior Varela1085321088792291SLE - SC
5Umetsubo Cesar Hidemitsu396021034002241UFSC - SC
6Rabello Felipe Botelho731921107682034UCB - DF
7De Paula Rafael Figueiredo2971421255792029UFG - GO
8Santos Junior Ailton Antonio2841721191022027UFES - ES
9Xavier Lucca Lucas3043721246612011UFRN - RN
10Langner Donizete Ribeiro3549821486332003UNIC - MT
11Correia Max do Carmo3476521297101975UFS - SE
12Chaves Thiago De Melo Neves E1871221106441948UNB - DF
13Sergio Filho Claudio Santos29421076781920UFG - GO
14Rocha Vitor Firmo De Souza2818021029511912UFRN - RN
15Santos Gleydson Jose Barbosa3488721409181883UFPA - PA
16Bernardes Rafael Esteves2701521438521882PUC - GO
17Fuck Vinicius Rios3455721368561876UFSC - SC
18Silva Alexandre Mota Da2519921391461801Faclions - GO
19Almeida Douglas De Castro2699721071551789UFG - GO
20Luz Heitor Carvalho2212321256331679UFG - GO
21Freitas Daniel Gomes De880321144881875UFMT - MT
22Diniz Plinio Lucio Lima353541800UNB - DF
23Dourado Pereira Bruno Alves3651121393911800UNB - DF
24Da Costa Anderson Carvalho350291798UFPA - PA
25Scussel Pedro Austregesilo2691421495401783UFC - CE
26Ferreira Rodrigo Maycon De Miranda402420UFMT - MT
27Melo Rodrigo Vitor de Andrade402410UCB - DF
28Soares Junior Doroteu Cilas402530UNB - DF
29Vidal Juan Ferreira402440UFPA - PA