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National Women Chess Championship Nepal 2023

Last update 23.04.2023 09:05:26, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

Starting rank list of players

8WFMLohani, Sujana12311987NEP1743w
2Joshi, Sindira12312754NEP1489w
4Bhandari, Pooja12312967NEP1484w
7Kapali, Binita12304018NEP1463w
9Dhimal, Shanti12319805NEP1459w
3Tamang, Marshal12319910NEP1390w
10Prasain, Punam12307548NEP1350w
1Gurung, Sushila12305588NEP1326w
5Kandel, Laxmi12315524NEP1256w
6Shrestha, Riya12327239NEP1134w