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2023 National Open Under 14 Chess Championship

Darrera actualització21.04.2023 22:35:49, Creador/Darrera càrrega: BCF1981

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Rànquing inicial

1Boyce, Derick11105208BAR1014
2Archer, Isaiah11106336BAR0
3Berry, AlexanderBAR0
4Blackett, AmariBAR0
5Clarke, Noah11106654BAR0
6Durham, ZecoBAR0
7Gibson, Eden11105810BAR0
8Greene, Christopher11106948BAR0
9Griffith, Jonathan11105674BAR0
10Howell, JaydenBAR0
11Jaikaran, AaronBAR0
12Little, SavionBAR0
13Mc Clean - Clarke, KezBAR0
14Pennegan, JeovaniBAR0
15Reifer-Belle, Chaz11105291BAR0
16Richards, Samuel11106387BAR0
17San Diego, LanceBAR0
18Sandiford, AmiriBAR0
19Simmons-Patterson, Nathan11106026BAR0
20Sinckler, Mileke11105950BAR0
21Yearwood, LiamBAR0