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UK Chess Challenge Northumberland Megafinal 2022 Under 8

Last update 22.05.2023 17:58:41, Creator/Last Upload: Lara Barnes IA

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Starting rank

1Kit Stainthorpe,ENG866u7
2Alice Leadbeater,ENG0wu7
3Daniel Harrison,ENG0u8
4Felicity Mabon,ENG0wu7
5Hudson Raine,ENG0u8
6Hugh Paterson,ENG0u8
7Kabir Vedhara,ENG0u7
8Lavinia Leigh Orujova,ENG0wu8
9Leila Davies,ENG0wu8
10Lewis Hough,ENG0u8
11Orlando Wang,ENG0u8
12Riaan Pathare,ENG0u8
13Romir Sehgal,ENG0u8
14Sahib Malhotra,ENG0u8
15Theodore Smith,ENG0u7
16Timothy Ogah,ENG0u7
17Vihaan Gupta,ENG0u7
18William Hunwick,ENG0u8