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Abierto Atlantida Invierno 2023

Last update 30.06.2023 04:03:35, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

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Starting rank list

1Rodriguez Farias, Victor3004759URU18481979Mijail Tal
2Visillac, Alejandro3000630URU18101905Atlantida
3Fuentes, Fabian3002896URU17951949Atlantida
4WCMSilva Rosas, Natalia3000575URU16981929
5Lagomarsino, Gonzalo3005887URU16101540Atlantida
6Fuentes, Agustin3008703URU15781563Atlantida
7Rodriguez Carvallo, Facundo54735769ESP15320Atlantida
8Zoppolo, Cedric3001997URU15271698Udelar
9Borgiani, Francisco3016471URU14541560La Proa
10Iriondo Zamit, Matias1227882URU01840Atlantida
11Argimon, Mauricio3008665URU01405Atlantida
12DOliveira, Jorge3021556URU00
13Gil, Humberto3021246URU00Atlantida
14Nada Macedo, Inti3020584URU00Atlantida
15Riera, Facundo3021548URU00Atlantida