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III Cerrado Club de Ajedrez Laguna-Cotelec

Last update 09.08.2012 13:24:44, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Federation (Arbiter Comitee)

Starting rank list of players

8Villavicencio Martinez Carlos165712279428207120712066Laguna-Cotelec
4Rivas Crespo Alexander2086522200282206920692044Circulo de Amistad XII de Enero
3Henriquez Garcia David18312204320200420041994Laguna-Cotelec
9Rivas Crespo Alejandro208642205360170817081719Circulo de Amistad XII de Enero
5Villavicencio Sanchez Pedro2524332014090162316231558Laguna-Cotelec
7Ferrera Gonzalez Carlos232612273845159015901530Laguna-Cotelec
10Arteaga Medina Ruben Severo2586032018657145814581448Gomera
2Ruiz Yanes Jose David2336722245200144714471455Achinet-Gambito de Rey
1Redondo Martin Enrique2522822282068141714171285Laguna-Cotelec
6Cordero Alamo Ramon032062753000Laguna-Cotelec