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I Cerrado ADBA 2023

Last update 05.07.2023 06:09:59, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2022)

Starting rank list of players

4NMMinero Pineda, Carlos6500277CRC2131
3Minero Pineda, Boris6500250CRC2087Fianchetto
8Campos Sanchez, Roberto6500315CRC2077
2Chaves Villalobos, David G6502172CRC2059Codea
6Mata Tencio, Randall6512410CRC2054Ccdr Cartago
1CMSolano Cruz, Agustin6500323CRC2035
5Solano Cordero, Jorge6505155CRC2006Ccdr Goicoechea
7Vega Araya, Edwin6500536CRC1960Santa Barbara