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Swieqi U12 Junior Rapids July 2023

Last update 22.07.2023 11:53:11, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Azzopardi, ThomasMLT0
2Bonello, Nathan GeorgeMLT0
3Borg, Luigi5603099MLT0
4Cardona, Edward NajaMLT0
5Chetcuti, MicheleMLT0
6Demicoli, JackMLT0
7Gauci, Gabriel5604680MLT0
8Gingell, MatthewMLT0
9Hun, LoganMLT0
10Jiao, ChenyuMLT0
11Manconi, MatteoMLT0
12Micallef, ThomazMLT0
13Portelli, GiacomoMLT0
14Radhouane, OmarMLT0
15Sammut, KyleMLT0
16Sammut, ThomasMLT0
17Schembri, Marc AlecMLT0
18Spiteri, SamuelMLT0
19Stellato, AdrianMLT0
20Vella, WayneMLT0