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IV Torneig Tancat MI Sant Martí 2012

Last update 25.11.2012 17:47:10, Creator/Last Upload: Eleuterio Daimiel Bescos

Starting rank list of players

6IMCruz Jonathan219333802124PER2434Tres Peons
8IMRojas Keim Luis A.216243400646CHI2422Mollet del Valles
3IMGonzalez Rodriguez Jorge A100174400240COL2402Lleida
2FMSanchez Ibern Marc147422286300ESP2332Foment Martinenc
9FMMartinez Ramirez Erik2044722202366ESP2298Montcada
4FMRyan Joseph202782500426IRL2291Foment Martinenc
7FMExposito Amaro Josue88252223198ESP2287Passio Esparr.
1FMAranda Gonzalez Jose55232202867ESP2270Sant Marti
10FMLopez Agustench Eduard51562208571ESP2247Escola Escacs BCN
5Nunez Lucero Francisco55272214369ESP2186Sant Marti