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Nuri's CAFE U18

Last update 02.09.2023 14:28:07, Creator/Last Upload: Seychelles Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Sathish, VishalSEY1600
2Mohammed, ArfanSEY1550
3Senthil, SelvishSEY1545
4Pillay, NavinSEY1500
5Vital, IanSEY1400
6Alexander, ShakthiSEY1385
7Bastienne, RishonSEY1350
8Henriette, JeremySEY1200
9Biong, JarelSEY1100
10Varun, KumarSEY1100
11Frederick, JessieSEY1000
12Hoareau, TariqSEY1000
13Martins, JulienSEY1000
14Meme, CaitlynSEY1000