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XXX. Balaton Nemzetközi Sakkfesztivál IM csoport

Last update 01.10.2012 14:40:49, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 2

Starting rank list of players

4Izso DanielHUN232223220
7IMKantorik MarianSVK232123210
2IMPolajzer DaniloSLO230023000
1IMHabibi AliGER229822980
8FMRoemer UlrichGER229422940
3FMCsonka BalazsHUN228722870
9IMPirisi GaborHUN226822680
10Stips FelixITA222122210
5FMTitz HeimoAUT216821680
6WFMMiturova MagdalenaCZE215021500