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Chess Molecules Rapid Grd 0-2

Last update 24.09.2023 23:43:48, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 75)

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Starting rank

1Exarchos, IsabellaRSA699
2Steyn, KianRSA666
3Mokhele, Thabo JuniorRSA597
4Steyn, KahnRSA595
5Pather, TamishkaRSA576
6Wong, KaylaRSA513
7Stephano, GabriellaRSA504
8Lai, JolineRSA500
9Phiri, IkanengRSA500
10Sukha, MehaanRSA500
11Blyth, RileyRSA0
12Gangazhe, AveheRSA0
13Mokgoko, KgosietsileRSA0
14Moloantoa, ViraRSA0
15Padayachy, SandhaviRSA0
16Scully, ErnestRSA0
17Simpson, NeveRSA0