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New Providence Open 2023

Posledná aktualizácia 24.09.2023 22:48:45, Creator/Last Upload:

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Štartová listina

1Lockhart, Kenville10400699BAH1691
2Whyms, Chappell10400125BAH1566
3Pride, Avian10401202BAH1505
4Pride, Curtis10401199BAH1498
5Smith, Gurth10400710BAH1317
6Sands, Malik10400834BAH1297
7Pride, Chika10401601BAH1167
8Davis, William10400303BAH1631
9Bethel, Darron10400575BAH1300
10Dean, Adrian10401962BAH1300
11Sands, David10400729BAH1200
12Turnquest, Caerwyn10401881BAH1200
13Nairn, Allan10401970BAH1100
14Richardson, Isaiah10401989BAH1100
15Rolle, Danica10402012BAH1100
16Bethel, AzariaBAH1000
17Cartwright, AntonioBAH1000
18Davis, JaydenBAH1000
19Hackett, KaedanBAH871