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Moengo vakantie toernooi 2023 - stap 2-3

Last update 24.09.2023 20:06:07, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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Starting rank list

1Dwarka, ShivamSUR0
2Frances, PoleonSUR0
3Jagessar, DhruvSUR0
4Karijodrono, AayanSUR0
5Kasan, JamilSUR0
6Kasnawi, RafaelSUR0
7Martodikromo, MauriceSUR0
8Modiwirijo, KeshawnSUR0
9Orasji, JaniceSUR0
10Orasji, RogerSUR0
11Pansa, RomelviejaSUR0
12Pengel, JeremySUR0
13Setroredjo, ShaeSUR0
14Soemita, NicolaiSUR0
15Soewarto, FarahSUR0
16van Leesten, HendrikSUR0
17Voorburg, RadjeevSUR0