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Campeonato Juvenil 2012

Last update 22.10.2012 00:28:42, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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Starting rank list

1CMGonzalez Olivieri OrlandoPUR1969
2WFMComas Colon RinellyPUR1817
3Comas Colon RinellPUR1805
4Rodriguez Labrador MarcoPUR1767
5Rios Maldonado JavierPUR1746
6CMSantiago Fernandez JoelPUR1694
7Pinales Roussel GabrielPUR1694
8Comas AbnellPUR1689
9Silva Rodriguez AbnerPUR1659
10Aramburu Ortiz Luis AlejandroPUR0