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4eme Open de Nouakchott

Last update 21.10.2012 01:05:19, Creator/Last Upload: Fédération Mauritanienne des échecs

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Starting rank list

1Sabar DaoudMTN1997NKTT
2Nocha SidahmedMTN1852NKTT
3Kreiked Aly MoctarMTN1833NKTT
4Ahmed Val AhmedouMTN1821NKTT
5Oubeid BederMTN1797NKTT
6Ishak Cheikh AhmedMTN1784NKTT
7Abdallahi Med MahmoudMTN1779NKTT
8Bechir MohamedouMTN1774NDB
9Baya AhmedMTN1752NKTT
10Elhaj Med ElbechirMTN1615NKTT
11Bani ChadadMTN1544NKTT
12Mohamed Vall Mohamed MahmoudMTN0NKTT