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Asian Zone 3.1 Championship - MEN

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.10.2007 15:53:10, Creator/Last Upload: Yemen Chess Federation

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

3GMGhaem Maghami EhsanIRI2591
8GMMahjoob MortezaIRI2516
4IMGhane ShojaatIRI2507
1FMKhader SamiJOR2421
2GMTaleb MoussaUAE2387
6FMAli LaithIRQ2242
5FMAyyad MaherBRN2165
9Al Sulaiti AliBRN2162
7FMAyyad Husain Abdulgalil SalehBRN2050
10AL Mousawi OmranKUW0