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IST Inter Schools Individual Chess Championship U16&18

Last update 04.11.2023 14:01:35, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Starting rank list

1Anand, GottipatiTAN0IST
2Delbert, Ipilinga PanyaTAN0Agha KHan
3Hanif, LaljiTAN0IST
4Irvine, Njenga GatituTAN0IST
5Kailash, PartheebanTAN0Indian Schl
6Khaliya, LaljiTAN0IST
7Mahi, ShahTAN0DIA
8Maryam, Ipilinga PanyaTAN0Agha Khan
9Mohammed, LakhaTAN0Shabban Roberts
11Prisha, ChhedaTAN0Agha Khan