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IST inter Schools Individual Chess Championship U8

Last update 04.11.2023 14:09:12, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Starting rank list

1Aaliyah, AmarshiTAN0DIA
2Aarav, PatelTAN0IST
3Adil, Ally AhmedTAN0FEZA Schl
4Alayna, LaljiTAN0IST
5Burhanuddin, HassanaliTAN0MSB
6Chael, NouiduiTAN0Ivy First
7Daanish, BangurTAN0Baybridge
8Joshua, ClifftTAN0Baybridge
9Rihaan, PattniTAN0IST
10Shivaan, JogTAN0IST
11Sophia, DawoodbhaiTAN0French School
12Vihana, Jiten DivechaTAN0DIA