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Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Limited 38th National 'A' Chess Championship-2012

Last update 21.11.2012 15:00:19, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

9GMRahman ZiaurBAN2525
11GMMurshed NiazBAN2452
10GMReefat Bin-SattarBAN2438
13IMMinhazuddin AhmedBAN2408
8IMAbu Sufian ShakilBAN2374
4FMRahman Md. TaiburBAN2340
5FMHasan MehdiBAN2310
3FMChatterjee DebarajBAN2307
7FMAhmed Sk. NasirBAN2295
6Ahmed MahtabuddinBAN2233
1Bhuiyan Golam MostafaBAN2211
12FMMohammad JavedBAN2203
14Md. Jamal UddinBAN2155
2Kabir Mohammad SherajulBAN2089