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JUEGOS ESCOLARES 2023 Cat 3 FEMENINO: 2011 en 2012 (27NOV)

Last update 27.11.2023 23:07:42, Creator/Last Upload: Fabricio Gonzalez Pereira

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Starting rank list

1Cabral, SylviARU0Schakel College
2Croes, AshaneyARU0St. Franciscus College
4Lourens, ZaydielleARU0Col. Conrado Coronel
5Mas Hamel, LunaARU0Mon Plaisir School
6Perez, GreciaARU0Col. Conrado Coronel
7Rafini, Sophie-BelleARU0Mon Plaisir School
8Ruiz Gonzalez, SaraiARU0Santa Ana
9Timmermans, JoanneARU0Colegio Arubano
10Warnink, TessaARU0Basisschool de Schakel