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Determinera le Champion Junior de Côte d'Ivoire

Championnat National Individuel Junior 2023

Last update 16.12.2023 19:15:11, Creator/Last Upload: Mario Kpan

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Starting rank list

1Kouassi, Yao Samuel20803397CIV1319
2Balaira, Salia TambaCIV0
3Balaira, Toumany20805497CIV0
4Baou, NicolasCIV0
5Don, Kris Nolhan20805519CIV0
6Doue, Guinahi David20803370CIV0
7Le Roux, Joel Othniel20803311CIV0
8Le Roux, Loann Michel20803214CIV0
9Quenum, Marc EmmanuelCIV0