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2024 AGCA IM Invitational - Winter Edition

Last update 25.01.2024 03:25:24, Creator/Last Upload: louis_reed

Starting rank list of players

8IMJuksta, Karolis12809039LTU2416
3IMOzenir, Ekin Baris6357415TUR2382
9Yu, Jiangwei8602620CHN2357
5IMPetenyi, Tamas14909090SVK2309
7WIMLee, Megan2029618USA2267
10Metpally, Jason2068567USA2204
4FMAmburgy, Ryan30924820USA2200
1Iinuma, Paul Y2031809USA2133
6FMEckert, Doug2001993USA2111
2Melillo, Lucius30958245USA2104