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Cape Town Chess Club Annual Blitz Championship

Last update 07.01.2024 18:10:58, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Minnaar

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Starting rank

1IMKarsten, JanRSA2318
2IMKobese, WatuRSA2248
3Rogov, MatfeyFID2238
4FMGluckman, PaulRSA2144
5Palmer, ReeganRSA2093
6FMDe Villiers, CharlesRSA2046
7Mnyasta, TezihanoRSA2020
8Dinham, JamesRSA1991
9Van Zyl, AlbrechtRSA1986
10Mfazwe, LuthoRSA1981
11Nevin, TylerRSA1980
12FMBhawoodien, ShabierRSA1973
13CMMazibuko, KhanyaRSA1973
14Solomon, MaxwellRSA1970
15CMWillenberg, KennethRSA1940
16Kleinsmidt, CherwinRSA1923
17Salimu, ReubenRSA1919
18Mathebula, Xolani CeboRSA1893
19Ncethelo, BongolethuRSA1878
20Willenberg, AthonRSA1851
21Fourie, BrandonRSA1828
22Soojay, JorahRSA1823
23Lynch, JustinRSA1817
24PMLewis, MarkRSA1780
25Mankga, ThabangRSA1778
26Rogov, TimofeyFID1768
27Goredema, DioneRSA1764
28Masoka, LwandoRSA1740
29Andrews, RemoRSA1659
30Mohamed, AdilRSA1650
31Moollajee, RehaanRSA1612
32Andrews, RaldoRSA1601
33Schuller, AshleyRSA1588
34Levin, BennyRSA1577
35Van Schaik, MichaelRSA1553
36Mcmanus, DaleRSA1512
37Zenzile, AmahleRSA1482
38Temmers, ShaunRSA1477
39Nel, RowanRSA1468
40Vassen, KeeanRSA1468
41Shapiro, MatthewRSA1441
42Jenkins, TauriqRSA1439
43Allie, IshmaeelRSA1432
44Lewaks, ShaundreRSA1371
45Korebrits, RichardRSA1365
46Claassen, StephanusRSA1357
47Mitchells, Jamie-LeeRSA1336
48Fourie, JannieRSA1268
49Louw, FrederikRSA1264
50Webber, ColinRSA1249
51Petersen, ColeRSA1216
52De Villiers, Ammen MohammedRSA1207
53Mizen, DanielRSA1188
54Gluckman, LeviRSA1174
55Karsten, PeetRSA1160
56Budge, DanielRSA1158
57Budge, RichardRSA1139
58Budge, BenjaminRSA1106
59Karsten, EbenRSA1106
60Whyatt, BenjiRSA1047
61Craig, ConnorRSA969
62Craig, MaxRSA943
63Ling, DaneRSA876
64Ismail, Muhammad AadilRSA831
65Levin, NormanRSA797
66Levin, JamieRSA648
67Schneider-Kaner, AustinRSA0
68Sun, HaojiaRSA0