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Nennschluss: Samstag 13:45 Uhr
Runde 1: Samstag 14:00 Uhr

67. Drei-Königs-Blitzturnier Finale D

Last update 06.01.2024 19:45:47, Creator/Last Upload: Landesverband Tirol

Starting rank list of players

8Kostic, Zoran16248902GER1636Steinach/Brenner
7Moser, MaxAUT1583Sc Mils
9Mende, Sebastian1662155AUT1427Schachsport Union Innsbruck
5Kowollik, Benjamin1677004AUT1380
4Folie, Adrian23404825ITA1190
6Martini, Gabriel1697188AUT865Schwaz
11Fischer, Florian1693026AUT0Schwaz
1Hirzberger, Michael1695231AUT0Schwaz
3Kircher, Kevin23428139ITA0
10Mallaun, Patrick1693034AUT0Schwaz
2Pacher, Christian1693581AUT0Sparkasse Jenbach