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2024 1000GM NYC IM C

Last update 16.01.2024 02:22:55, Creator/Last Upload: gkeener

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Starting rank list

1IMHajnal, ZoltanHUN2383
2GMYudasin, LeonidISR2353
3GMRohde, MichaelUSA2333
4FMPressman, LeifUSA2258
5FMTanenbaum, ZacharyUSA2272
6IMAlmeida, AlfonsoMEX2222
7IMMartin del Campo, RobertoMEX2205
8CMHo, CarterUSA2180
9NMKovalchuk, IgorUKR2030
10NMGoktepe, DerinUSA2187
11IMBonin, JayUSA2166
12FMMede, IstvanHUN2187
13CMYoo, EugeneUSA2168
14WIMMou, IrisUSA2128
15CMChabris, ChristopherUSA2078
16Pagan, JonathanUSA2018
17WFMGaw, ChloeUSA1928
18Venkatesh, NarayanUSA1965