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BHIS Selection U8 2024

Last update 20.01.2024 09:06:11, Creator/Last Upload: Maldives Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Aishath Ivleen Ishan,MDV0
2Devansh Saini,MDV0
3Emily gherli,MDV0
4Izaan Ahmed Hilmy,MDV0
5Izan Ilyas Labeeb,MDV0
6Makeena Nausheen Ali,MDV0
7Markin Mazham,MDV0
8Nooh Niushad Mohamed,MDV0
9Rudraksh Jayakumar,MDV0
10Yoosuf Aaryan Bin Mohan,MDV0
11Zivan Shamsood Fuad,MDV0