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WWRR D-Group

Last update 15.02.2024 18:34:04, Creator/Last Upload: De Pluspion Wachtebeke

Starting rank list of players

6Sinke, Wim1016377NED1876
2Dhooge, Servaas268216BEL1867
3Kools, Jasper1054783NED1853
1Barzeele, Raf204455BEL1842
8De Pooter, Ronald1019902NED1818
9Cuyvers, Jens264121BEL1802
4Bauwens, Steven212555BEL1740
5De Putter, Sven1052594NED1699
7Roelandt, Jesse269930BEL1684
10Vanhauwaert, Kurt210560BEL1679