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Fase Prèvia del Campionat de Catalunya d’edats - Girona Sub-18

Last update 02.02.2013 18:23:04, Creator/Last Upload: Gabriel Perez Marco

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Starting rank

1Vinardell Cruañas SergiCAT2264Olot
2Pinsach Gelabert AlexandreCAT2178Figueres
3Toste Nieto AlexandreCAT2163Figueres
4Gultresa Boada IsaacCAT1984Gerunda
5Molina Carretero DanielCAT1983Gerunda
6Muratet Carmona JuliaCAT1949Banyoles
7Capallera Guirado FerranCAT1833Figueres
8Herrero Nogareda RobertCAT1830Olot
9Gugonea Mircea AlexandruCAT1711Olot
10Yeste Costa EricCAT1700Olot