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VCB Nationale Kampioenschappen 2024 - Finale ronde

Last update 25.04.2024 11:58:42, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

Starting rank list of players

9CMHanoeman, Suradj8200173SUR1995
2FMGiasi, Viresh8200165SUR1990
5Yeung, Jason8203970SUR1978
12Kalidjo, Imaan8202478SUR1915
3FMMatoewi, Roger8200084SUR1890
10Amatdarso, Gerrit8201250SUR1858
1Kalka, Shiva8201749SUR1830
6Lo Kim Lin, Frank8200106SUR1818
11Chashawa, Shaief8201510SUR1786
13Ramsing, Rajiv8202826SUR1741
8Wijnhard, Ky-mani14326868SUR1726
4WCMKaslan, Victoria8202230SUR1684
14Tjin Kon Kiem, Ethan8206040SUR1649
7Klimsop, Garcello8204837SUR1621