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Bristol Centenary & WECU Championship U1600 Section

De pagina werd het laatst gewijzigd op28.04.2024 19:34:35, Creator/Last Upload: igord

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No.NaamRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1 
1Morris Nigel W1599 33w½ 31b1 32w1 19b1 25w03,550
2Gerrard Thomas1591 34b½ 35w½ 41b1 52w½ 53b13,5110
3Chandra Daniel1573 36w½ 32b0 39w1 56b1 40w13,5130
4Sieber Martin1571 38b1 22w1 16b½ 28w0 34b13,560
5White Scott1555 39w1 25b0 45w1 57b0 23w13170
6Steer James1529 40b0 46w1 35b1 53w0 55w½2,5300
7Maber Martyn J1517 33b0 36w1 26b½ 45w13210
8Kirk James1514 34w0 -0 -0 -00,5590
9Barnes Richard1506 41w½ 36b1 33w1 40b1 28w03,570
10Jennings Michael1501 43b0 42w1 32b0 27w12,5310
11Mussa Rayyan1494 37w1 34b1 16w+ 57w14,520
12Fowkes Sam A1482 45w1 30b1 25w0 51b0 56w13140
13Howells Matthew E1481 46b1 40w½ 52b½ 54w½ 59b13,590
14Hawkins Robert1479 47w1 48b1 56w1 25b0 51w1440
15Saha Soumil1479 48b0 47w½ 37b1 34w0 58b12,5320
16Carpenter David J1475 49w1 54b1 4w½ 11b- 52b-2,5250
17Martin Steve1473 50b1 56w0 51b0 35w1 41b02370
18Markey Kevin D1464 42b1 40w0 33b1 32w13,5120
19Taplin William1455 44w1 61b1 1w0 54b½3150
20Scorer David M1450 51w1 59b½ 57w0 55b0 33w½2350
21Ackland Peter1437 52b½ 61w0 44b½ 41w0 42b01540
22Fearnhead Joseph T1436 53w1 4b0 54w0 38b1 61w13200
23Strickland Graham1430 54b0 49w1 50w½ 5b02390
24Burnett Philip1402 52w0 47b1 59w0 37b½2400
25Misra Advay1393 55w1 5w1 12b1 14w1 1b1510
26Paines John L1380 57b0 58w1 7w½ 50b13220
27Golding Tony1379 56b0 50w½ 55b0 44w1 10b01,5480
28Milicevic Milan1377 57w½ 58b1 59w1 4b1 9b14,530
29Davies Peter1362 59b0 51w0 49b0 47w00,5610
30Lightfoot David1361 60w1 12w0 53b0 45b0 36w01510
31Austin Antony1355 1w0 50b0 42w½ 44b01550
32Misra Anay1354 61b½ 3w1 1b0 10w1 18b02,5280
33Tang Carolus1335 1b½ 7w1 9b0 18w0 20b½2380
34Marsden Oscar1332 2w½ 8b1 11w0 15b1 4w02,5290
35Walsh Shaun1325 2b½ 6w0 17b0 38w12430
36Trevelyan W John1317 3b½ 9w0 7b0 46w1 30b12,5330
37Higenbottam Charles1311 11b0 15w0 47b1 24w½2440
38Whaley Roy1265 4w0 53b0 60b1 22w0 35b01560
39Halpin David1188 5b0 55w½ 3b0 -0 -00,5600
40Hu Hector1173 6w1 13b½ 18b1 9w0 3b02,5260
41Hughes Alexandra1150 9b½ 2w0 21b1 17w13230
42Sarwar Adam1053 18w0 10b0 31b½ 21w12460
43Saunders Per1009 10w1 -0 -0 -0 -01520
44Mussa Adam971 19b0 21w½ 27b0 31w12450
45Soleimani Avina935 12b0 60w1 5b0 30w1 7b02410
46Bhandari Neil0 13w0 6b0 36b0 60w+1,5500
47Buckley Jack0 14b0 15b½ 24w0 37w0 29b11,5490
48Farias Valentino0 15w1 14w0 -0 -0 -01530
49Harrison Richard0 16b0 23b0 29w1 -0 -01570
50King Sam0 17w0 27b½ 31w1 23b½ 26w02420
51Leonard Reuben0 20b0 29b1 17w1 12w1 14b03180
52Li Shuwei0 21w½ 24b1 13w½ 2b½ 16w+3,5100
53Ng Matthew0 22b0 38w1 30w1 6b1 2w03190
54Oggioni Felipe0 23w1 16w0 22b1 13b½ 19w½3160
55Pamunuwa Tarun0 25b0 39b½ 27w1 20w1 6b½3240
56Peffers Hamish0 27w1 17b1 14b0 3w0 12b02340
57Robinson Max0 28b½ 26w1 20b1 5w1 11b03,580
58Staples Charlie0 28w0 26b0 60b1 15w01,5470
59Taylor Noah0 29w1 20w½ 28b0 24b1 13w02,5270
60Tuson Bronwen0 30b0 45b0 38w0 58w0 46b-0620
61Welsh Blaise0 32w½ 21b1 19w0 22b02360
62Goatcher Matthew W1693 -0 -0 63b0 -0 -00630
63Slater Finn1783 -0 -0 62w1 -0 -01580

Wtg1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)