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Torneo Sociale CSR 2024

Last update 17.04.2024 22:27:50, Creator/Last Upload: alexpan

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Starting rank

1Panjkovic, Aleksandar918695ITA2059
2Zucchelli, Massimo804193ITA2038
3Buglisi, Massimo842680ITA1957
4Dai Campi, Danilo2835512ITA1877
5Bottesi, Gianluca854611ITA1801
6Grossi, Mariano28516028ITA1710
7Prezzi, Mauro23432195ITA1545
8Scrinzi, Francesco2898271ITA1513
9Frisinghelli, LeonardoITA1399
10Giuliani, FedericoITA1399
11Pesenti, DarioITA1399
12Pizzo, PietroITA1399
13Zanoni, RiccardoITA1399