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French School Rapid Chess Tournament U12

Last update 16.03.2024 12:05:24, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Starting rank list

1Akim, JanabiTAN0
2Akshat, TrichalTAN0Agha Khan
3Ambreen, KaurTAN0wAgha Khn
4Anahi, ShahTAN0wDIA
5Atharva Rao,TAN0Agha Khan
6Daoud, HoteitTAN0French School
7Hasini, Priya SanthoshTAN0wIndian School
8Izel, le boulhTAN0French School
9Turag, BistaTAN0DIA
10Veeraj, K. MehtaTAN0IST
11Viva, PujariTAN0wAgha Khan
12Zhe, Yu(Jason)TAN0DIA