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II Trofeo Principado de Asturias

Last update 31.03.2024 13:56:54, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 318)

Starting rank list of players

3FMMartin Fuentes, Alberto2292289ESP2372
5IMLlaneza Vega, Marcos2253585ESP2366
7IMAlonso Bouza, Julio Javier3508889CUB2365
9FMOlson, Hamish2404257SCO2359
10FMLohia, Sohum5819369ENG2354
8FMBottazzi, Ulysse45102988FRA2329
4IMAlonso Garcia, Rene Marcial3500276CUB2296
2CMSierra Vallina, Lionel54559774ESP2281
6FMGonzalez Guedes, Iyan24524131ESP2280
1CMSanchez Vigon, David22280324ESP2227