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Torneo de Ajedrez Rápido Construajedrez de Pascua

Last update 07.04.2024 04:14:47, Creator/Last Upload: Eduardo Aguilar Monterrosas

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1IMSanchez, Sebastian Felipe4403304COL23872394Bucaros
2FMMartinez, Jorge Alexander4402812COL21242124Bucaros
3Briones Valdes, Alejandro5115582MEX19721974Saltillo Chess Club
4NEMorlett Ovalle, Cris Sebastian5146330MEX19221929Saltillo Chess Club
5Rivera Valles, Marco Antonio29631939MEX18421842Individual
6Aguilar Sanchez, Marcos Eduardo5119693MEX17661772Construajedrez
7Muniz Gonzalez, Angel Gerardo29631874MEX01680U16Be Smart
8Luna Valle, Juan Manuel5188636MEX01678Los Patitos
9Trevino Gonzalez, Alejandro5189527MEX15601670U12Caballos de Guerra
10Flores Moreno, Jose Patricio5195292MEX01664U10Construajedrez
11Castillo Magana, Erick5145511MEX16511651Chessboys
12Valdes Alvarez, Lilia Cristina5169976MEX15551645wU14Caballos de Guerra
13Aguilar Sanchez, Citlalli Genoveva5119502MEX16431643wU20Los Patitos
14Garcia Quintanar, Marcos Fernando5184525MEX01539U10Construajedrez
15Siller Reyes, Cristian EduardoMEX01506U14Individual
16Castillo Gonzalez, LeviMEX01439U14Chessboys