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Livingston Allegro Minor U 1400 April 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony07.04.2024 18:13:05, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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1Noble, Raymond2404060SCO1369
2Parasur, Raghuram2410460SCO1359
3Aitken, Thomas2415445SCO1355
4Prakash, Sumanth2411555SCO1310
5Connor, StephenSCO1283
6Thomson, Peter2414805SCO1277
7Hope, Iain2405350SCO1258
8Burns, Ciaran2414651SCO1251
9Conway, Ciaran2414066SCO1241
10Graham, Sasha2413647SCO1023
11Mckenzie, Kyriakos2415070SCO1012
12Khan, Altamash2414171SCO966
13Ganesh, Krishiv2413035SCO363
14Gaikwad, Reina2413981SCO261
15Gaikwad, Netra2413973SCO223
16Govil, ArnavSCO0
17Grondal, Jorgen1589059NOR0
18Ho, Chun6005470HKG0
19Kondabolu, Ainesh2413671SCO0
20Kovalevskij, Alan2414996SCO0
21Leary, Luke2415453SCO0
22Maier, William2415437SCO0
23Marchant-lowe, OscarSCO0
24Raghu, Shravan429078440IND0