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Eligible for all juniors born after 31st of August 2015

UK Chess Challenge Scotland West Megafinal U8

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony25.04.2024 22:34:43, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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1Al Dakl Alla, Maria0U8G
2Cobb, Cormac0U7B
3Gaikwad, Reina0U8G
4Ganesh, Krishiv0U8B
5Louden, Tavish0U7B
6Nathan, Prithvi0U7B
7Prabaharan, Yahavi0U8G
8Prakash, Dhairya0U8B
9Sathiyamoorthy, Magizhan0U8B
10Sharan, Samarth0U8B
11Shopynskyi, Vladyslav0U6B
12Wallden, Antoinetta0U7G
13Warrilow Silcock, Edmund0U8B
14Xu, Aiden0U6B
15Xu, Jaydon0U8B
16Yuan, Alice0U7G