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Campionatele Nationale Individuale de Sah Copii si Juniori - finala sah clasic - F20

Last update 08.04.2013 12:21:47, Creator: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 12),Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 9)

Starting rank list of players

3WGMBulmaga IrinaROU2389Cs Politehnica Iasi
2WCMLolici Iselin-AmandaROU1939Css Nr. 1 Timisoara
5WNMVasilescu MariaROU1884Clubul Central De Sah Bucurest
4WCMAnton Roxana-AnaROU1826Cs Politehnica Iasi
1ITaposu-Matei AlexandraROU1782Acs De Sah Apa Nova Bucuresti