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2013 Capablanca Open Chess Festival Prestige A (IM Norm)

Last update 28.04.2013 20:55:09, Creator/Last Upload: Hendrik du Toit

Starting rank list of players

10FMVan Der Nat NicholasRSA23372337
3CMCawdery DanielRSA23242324
5IMMabusela JohannesRSA23202320
1FMBwalya GillanZAM23152315
2Makoto RodwellZIM23022302
6FMVan Den Heever DonovanRSA22802280
8IMGluckman DavidRSA22452245
7IMOatlhotse ProvidenceBOT22262226
4CMKayonde AndrewZAM22102210
9CMMoyo DionZIM22052205