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FIDE World Corporate Chess Championship 2024 (KO - 2)

Die Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 20.04.2024 21:25:49, Ersteller/Letzter Upload: CHESSGK

Viertelfinale - 1. Runde
Nr.TeamGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Game 5Game 6MatchPts.
5B1. Golomt Bank of Mongolia444
4A8. Bye000
2E4. UBS Group AG3,544
7F5. ACCESA IT Systems0,500
1C2. DiGi334
3H7. TCS Team C110
8G6. Von Doren Watch Company AS444
6D3. Bye000
Halbfinale - 2. Runde
Nr.TeamGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Game 5Game 6MatchPts.
5B1. Golomt Bank of Mongolia11,50
2E4. UBS Group AG32,54
1C2. DiGi3,534
8G6. Von Doren Watch Company AS0,510
3rd Place Playoff - 3. Runde
Nr.TeamGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Game 5Game 6MatchPts.
Finale - 3. Runde
Nr.TeamGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Game 5Game 6MatchPts.
2E4. UBS Group AG2,52,54
1C2. DiGi1,51,50